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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Advances in Engineering (IJMRAE) is a referred reviewed periodical multidisciplinary research journal. The journal welcomes papers that arouse and fuel new areas of research in Electronics, Computer, Mechanical, Civil, Produ-ction, Petrochemical, Telecommunications, Chemical, Electrical, Aerospace, Mining, Petroleum and Gas, Software, Instrumentation and Industrial engineering, Information technology, Food technology, Pulp and paper technology, Metallurgy, Artificial Intelligence, Communication & IT, Computer Databases & Software, Machine Learning, Networks and Communications, Web Tec- hnologies, Data Warehouse, Data Mining, Soft Computing, Modeling and Simulations, Signal Analysis and Processing, Detection and Estimation, Audio and Video, Filters, Algorithms and Techniques, Basic engineering and allied areas. We would like to invite you to submit manuscr- ipts of your original research papers, review papers, research articles, research communication ,innovative ideas, and real life applications for possible publication in IJMRAE. Original papers will only be considered.

The IJMRAE is an international journal published quarterly by Ascent Publication, Pune, India. This journal publishes high quality original research papers in all areas of various disciplines of engineering and their applications in real life and industry.Research provides the much needed inspiration for the birth of new ideas, which in turn breathes new life into products. The journal is basically devoted to interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in Engineering and Techn -ology, which can improve the present methods and technology being used in Industry.The real -life problems involve multi-disciplinary knowledge, and thus strong multidisciplinary approach is the need of the Research.

The principal role of Engineering is related to the solution of real-life problems, whether in Soci -ety, Industry or in R & D Labs, exposure and intimacy with the experimental and practical aspe -cts of Engineering are expected to be highlighted in the research.  The emphasis is on original -ity, quality, and importance. Dr.S.M.Khairnar, Goldmedalist, Professor & Head and Dean (R & D ) is the Principal Editor and Editorial Board includes Researchers , Scientists and Engineers from India, Portugal, Iran, Italy, Spain, Algeria, Turkey, USA, China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Egypt, Taxila, UAE, Canada, Germany, and UK



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