- The manuscript should be prepared in Ms-Word processing system, basic font Roman 12pt size. The papers should be in English and typed in frames 14 x 21.6 cm (margins are given below) in single column on A4-format white paper with 1.5 line spacing. On the first page leave 4 cm space on the top for the journal's headings.
- Each page should be numbered, the first page of manuscripts should contain (i) the title (should be in capital letters); (ii) the author’s name(s) and full mailing address with e-mail, phone number and fax number; (iii) An abstract of not less than 150 words and not exceeding 300 words; (iv) Key-Words; (v) subject classification (not compulsory).
Tables should be given number and title, which should be on the top of the table and for the figures number and title, should be at the bottom of the figure. Use lower case letters when naming figures and tables. Figures should contain only the image and not the caption. If your figure has multiple parts, please embed callouts to identify parts of figures, i.e. (a), (b), (c) with in the figure. Callouts should be in a Times Roman font with a consistent 8-point size.
- Papers should be arranged in sections as follows: Title, Abstract, Key-words, Authors affiliation, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Figures, Tables, and Legends for illustrations, Acknowledgement (if any), References. Abbreviations should be spelt out when first used in the text.
- Image quality is very important to how your graphics will reproduce. Please do not send images with resolution settings of lower than 600 dpi.
- Manuscripts should not have been published or submitted elsewhere. An effort is made to publish a paper duly recommended by a referee within a period of four months.
- The Editorial Board reserves the right to make changes whether stylistic and / or grammatical and delete and rewrite sentences of the paper as deemed necessary.
- If you have a specific question about formats, graphics, etc or any queries, please contact at smkhairnar2007@gmail.com
- Authors are requested to arrange printing and publication charges of their papers @ US$ 15.00 per page from their institutions or research projects. For authors in India this charge is Rs.300 per page. Fifteen reprints of a paper and copy of the journal are provided to the authors ex-gratis
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No manuscript should be submitted which has previously been published, or which has been simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. The copyright in a published article rests solely with the Publisher, and the paper may not be reproduced in whole in part by any means whatsoever without prior written permission.
- The content of a paper published in this Journal is the sole responsibility of the author or authors, and its publication does not imply the concurrence of the Editors or the Publisher.
- While great care will be taken of manuscripts and files, no responsibility can be accepted for any loss. In their own interest, authors are advised to keep a copy of everything they send.
Fifteen reprints of each paper / article will be supplied. Additional reprints may be ordered prior to publication and will be charged at cost.
Manuscripts may be submitted at any time. However early submission is encouraged and manuscripts received late may be held over to a latter issue.
The papers intended for publication in IJMSEA may be submitted in duplicate along with the soft copy in CD to:
Dr. S. M. Khairnar.
Principal Editor (IJMRAE)
Ascent Publication House
A-63, Puru Coop. Housing Society
Air Port Road, Pune-411032,
Maharashtra State, INDIA.
Tel.No.:0091-20-27185857 Ext. 105. (Office)
E-mail: smkhairnar2007@gmail.com and anshirsath@gmail.com
NOTE: Research Paper in electronic form is also accepted.